Some days you just gotta pull out the good stuff! The breakfast blend of champions. The good china. Top shelf. The relief pitcher. The cream of the crop. Different ways to emphasize the same important detail.
There’s a way to calm your mind and relax your body simultaneously, using natural alternatives made of CPTG—Certified Pure Tested Grade Essential Oils. Give yourself the gift of 15 minutes and an open mind. Sit in silence and breathe… On the inhale say to yourself, “I Am.” On the exhale, “Here Now.” Repeat this mantra as many times as it takes for your mind to slow down and your body to feel at ease.
2 drops Each: Balance~Lavender~Vetiver
This diffuser blend holds a special place in my heart. You see, I dove into the World of Wellness twelve and a half years ago, when a parasite claimed stake in my digestive tract and wreaked havoc on my entire body. During my five year battle with Chronic Giardiasis, I hit rock bottom. My picture perfect life came to a crashing halt.
“It’s All Good” was my go-to reply for everything, and printed on most our holiday cards. It didn’t matter that my life was anything but good, I couldn’t be honest, even with myself. So I had to go inside and do the work in order for my soul to reawaken. It required vulnerability and a lot of courage. This diffuser blend not only takes the edge off in the midst of rough times or stressful moments, it helps to just chill out. It zen’s me out until I’m genuinely “all good!” ?♀️