The more I meditate and seek answers from within, the more at ease and centered I am, especially about my current circumstances. Every hardship I’ve experienced has taught me the importance of nurturing this body/mind/soul connection because there’s no greater feeling than being in alignment when struggling with real life problems! I must be relentless about my self-care rituals so I can silence my fears and be present for those who need me, like my parents.
My dad has Dementia and unfortunately, his illness has progressed awfully fast. Visiting my parents has drastically changed. After 53 years, he no longer lives at home with my mom. There aren’t enough adjectives to describe what it’s like watching ‘your father—your person—your idol’ slowly disappear from this world. I’m living my worst nightmare. I never know what to expect when I see him. Will I get to hear him say my name? Will I be blessed with a lucid moment and connect with him? Or will this be the dreaded day when he’s forgotten me completely?
I’ve learned that I can’t change this situation, nor control it but I can do whatever it takes to silence my fears and just BE with my dad in whatever shape he’s in and then, get to spend quality time with my mom. So yeah, I not only NEED but CRAVE my yoga classes, meditation, essential oils, time for writing and self-reflection, and the incredible support from my tribe of women! It’s the only way for me to just BE! Although…I do wonder if there’s such a thing as over-meditating? Hmm, either way, I’m not quitting this new obsession anytime soon!