Everyone has a talent. And I’m not talking about the kind of talent that’s defined by ego. That’s something entirely different. This talent does not require labels or judgement. It’s about empathy and compassion for others and ourselves. It starts as a need to create. An idea that forms and resonates deep within ourselves. It appears in the silence when alone with our breath. Call it a gut instinct. A ‘what-if’ hypothetical that eventually if shared amongst friends and family, picks up momentum. It shows up in our daydreams, our visualizations and morphs into a constant yearning. A desire to manifest.

Some already found this creative spark while others haven’t. But when enough signs show up, it’s time to own it. Speak your truth. Take the action. We are all creators and we are here to share what makes us unique. Embrace our differences. Use your creative expression in whatever way that lights you up and be that same light for those still suffering. We are human and crave connection. Use your gifts and build community. Ask the questions. Share the lessons. How have we triumphed in the face of adversity? How did we rise after our toughest falls? Your story may ignite someone else’s spark.

I am a creative storyteller and feel LIT up when I write. I am most productive when my creativity flows. But the tiniest distraction can stop me in my tracks. Three years ago, I dove into the world of Aromatherapy and learned—more like—obsessed over the many benefits certified therapeutic grade essential oils have on our health and emotional well-being. I became an oils junkie—hook, line and sinker!

I understand not everyone believes in or is open to the unfamiliar—an alternative approach. All I know is I have received an exorbitant amount of gifts by using essential oils in 3 ways: inhaling, ingesting and applying to the skin. Every oil has its purpose and when combined together in a diffuser blend, the mixture can stimulate or activate chemicals in the brain to release stuck emotions. So when I’m feeling off and distracted, I give myself a little boost! #creativeflow #creativelifehappylife #essentialoilblends #doterra #naturalwellness #emotionalhealth #writerslife

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